Environmental Non-Profits
Our recommendation of the top-rated and verified environmental non-profits. Filter by organizational focus to find a non-profit that aligns most with your personal interests. All donations are 501(c)(3) tax-deductible.

World Wildlife Fund
The World Wildlife Fund is an environmental non-profit working to protect and preserve wildlife across the world. Their mission is to conserve nature and reduce threats towards the diversity of wildlife. The WWF has 6 focuses; food, climate, freshwater, wildlife, forests and oceans. With more than 5 million supporters, WWF has been able to accomplish goals including protecting endangered species and combating climate change throughout 100 countries.

Ocean Conservancy
The Ocean Conservancy works to protect the ocean from today's greatest global challenges. Dying coral reefs, acidification, pollution and overfishing are among the biggest problems facing our seas. Ocean Conservancy's innovative, science-based solutions are designed to restore the ocean to it's natural state, healthy enough for wildlife and dependent communities to prosper. Donations to the Ocean Conservancy help support the long-term health and protection of oceans around the globe.

One Tree Planted
Since 2014, One Tree Planted has committed to accelerating reforestation around the globe. Their worldwide initiatives work to sequester CO2 emissions and encourage biodiverse ecosystems. Operating from North and Latin America, Africa and Asia, OTP is determined to achieve cleaner air, water, and the protection of biodiversity around the world. OTP has planted over 1.3 million trees and continues to build a global community dedicated to supporting a healthier, greener world. Donate now to support their cause, one tree is planted for every one dollar donation.

Natural Resources Defense Council
Based in The United States, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is a non-profit advocacy group working towards clean air, water and healthy communities. NRDC is composed of over 3 million global members all dedicated to ensuring a cleaner, healthier future. NRDC works to safeguard resources needed by people and wildlife, including land area, water, air, and other resources of which all life depends.

Panthera is the only organization worldwide that is exclusively devoted to protecting and conserving the world’s 40 wild cat species and their ecosystems. Panthera partners with local and international NGOs, scientific institutions, local communities, governments, and citizens to ensure wild cats’ future. They chose to focus on conserving the 40 wild cats because they are an excellent indicator of an ecosystem’s health. By donating to Panthera, you ensure a future for wild cats and the landscapes they protect.

The Nature Conservancy
In 1951, an activist group of scientists who called themselves the Ecologist Union decided to change their name to The Nature Conservancy and fully dedicate themselves to protecting the environment. Their mission is to protect the land on which all life depends. The Nature Conservancy’s priorities are to combat climate change, protect land and water, provide food and water sustainably, and build healthy cities. Over 71% of every dollar donated goes directly to science-driven program work.

Environmental Defense Fund
The Environmental Defense Fund is a U.S. based non-profit comprised of supporters and expert partners to zero in on climate, energy, ecosystems, oceans and health. Heavily driven by science, The EDF also utilizes economics, partnerships, and advocacy to make the largest positive impact. As the EDF continues to combat some of the toughest environmental issues we are facing, every donation is used to help create lasting political and scientific progress towards a greener, healthier future.

The Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is a grassroots environmental nonprofit that has built a substantial following of over 3.8 million members and supporters. Bolstered by their members’ support, the Sierra Club works to advance climate solutions and ensure everyone has access to clean water, air, and a healthy environment. Since 1892, Sierra Club members and organizers have retired 300 coal power plants, established 439 parks and monuments, and connected people with over 15,000 nature outings per year. Donations go towards providing the resources to sustain long-term campaigns and grassroots efforts across the country.

GRID Alternatives
GRID Alternatives is a California based non-profit organization working to increase the use of solar power across the world. The staff and volunteers at GRID Alternatives are passionate about educating and training underdeveloped communities across the USA, Nepal, Mexico, and Nicaragua. Their goals include bringing green energy to economically struggling areas, as well as to support environmental justice issues in vulnerable communities. By donating to GRID Alternatives, you play a part in providing and establishing renewable energy projects around the world.

Clean Air Task Force
The Clean Air Task Force (CATF) is an environmental organization focusing on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Their goal is to achieve zero-emission technology in energy, agriculture, waste, and forest management by 2050. CATF is composed of climate and energy experts with decades of experience who are committed to advocating for clear air initiatives and policies. Donations made towards CATF contribute to creating innovative technologies and policies dedicated to meeting the emerging climate challenges.

Sea Turtle Conservancy
The main focus of the Sea Turtle Conservancy is to protect sea turtles from extinction. They have narrowed their focus to this particular group of species because sea turtles have an incredible impact upon the ecosystems they interact with. The Sea Turtle Conservancy uses research, habitat protection, public education, community outreach, networking, and advocacy to protect sea turtles from extinction. You can donate your time as a volunteer or make monetary donations that go towards sea turtle research and conservation efforts.

National Audubon Society
As one of the oldest environmental nonprofits, the National Audubon Society’s mission is to protect birds and the places they need today and tomorrow. They have 23 state programs, 41 centers, 450+ local chapters, and thousands of events across the country that are all working together to make a difference in protecting bird species and the environment. You can donate your time at any one of the Audubon society’s events or their local chapters. Your monetary donations will support science, education, advocacy, and on-the-ground action for birds and the places and resources they need.

Rocky Mountain Institute
The Rocky Mountain Institute works towards transforming current global energy systems into clean, low-carbon systems. RMI collaborates with communities, businesses, institutions and other organizations to endorse market-based solutions to implement sustainable energy solutions. Donations to the Rocky Mountain Institute support the efforts of influencing larger corporations to enforce sustainable energy practices.

Coral Reef Alliance
The Coral Reef Alliance has taken on the task of saving the world’s coral reefs. CORAL was born from people who have a reverence and wonderment for coral reef ecosystems. Protecting coral reefs provide long-term benefits to both wildlife and people. CORAL works with communities to reduce direct threats to reefs, and with scientists to advance scientific research into how coral reefs are adapting to climate change. Volunteer your time with CORAL, or you can make monetary donations that help CORAL design and manage long-term conservation programs that reduce threats to coral reefs.

International Rhino Foundation
the International Rhino Foundation has made it their mission to ensure the survival of all 5 species of rhino in the wild. They make strategic partnerships to monitor and protect rhinos from poachers. Poachers target rhinos for their horns, who sell them to consumers in China and Vietnam as part of their traditional medicine. IRF works to ensure a new, negative social stigma is formed around rhino horn consumption to decrease the incentive for poachers to kill rhinos. Monetary donations stop poachers, shut down wildlife crime networks, replant forests, and educate budding conservationists.

The Ocean Cleanup
Founded in 2013, The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization located in the Netherlands. The Ocean Cleanup team is composed of more than 90 engineers, researchers, scientists, and volunteers working together to find innovative solutions to eliminate plastics in oceans and rivers. By intercepting the currents from rivers to oceans, the organization plans to capture 90% of plastic pollution. Donating to The Ocean Cleanup promotes the betterment of our environment, economy, and health.

350.org is a non-profit organization working towards combating the usage of fossil fuels internationally. Their mission is to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources to build a better future for generations to come. Ranging across 188 countries, 350.org has thousands of volunteers working continuously to stand up against fossil fuel energy. Donations to 350.org ensure that new coal, oil and gas projects are turned down, and replaced with sustainable options.

Wildlife Conservation Society
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a New York based non-profit organization working with indigenous and other local communities to support the protection of wildlife. Over the past century, WCS has established long-term conservation all over the world with over 500 field conservation projects across 65 countries. Protecting the world’s biodiversity with a donation helps play a part in saving endangered species and their habitats all over the world.

Conservation International
Since 1987, Conservation International has worked towards educating and securing the critical benefits nature provides for humanity. Today, the non-profit has helped protect more than 6 million square kilometers of land and sea in more than 70 countries from deforestation and degradation. Conservation International uses contributions to support the protection of nature in a sustainable way. Their vision is to create a healthy, committed, long-term protection of all life on Earth, but protecting both land and aquatic areas.

American Bird Conservancy
The American Bird Conservancy doesn’t shy away from the difficult issue facing birds and the environment. They have an incredible 4-step strategic pyramid framework that guides every decision they make to serve birds and the environment where they live. While ABC focuses on the threats facing bird species, thousands of species worldwide share these threats, so the focus on one benefits all organisms in the ecosystem. 77% of donations go directly towards conservation research programs.

Rainforest Alliance
Every minute, 50 acres of rainforest are destroyed. The founder of Rainforest Alliance, Daniel Katz, created the non-profit in hopes of protecting rainforests around the globe. The Rainforest Alliance protects businesses, agriculture, and forests in a sustainable way by partnering with local farmers, forests communities and consumers. The Rainforest Alliance strives to make long lasting change by fighting deforestation, and making sustainable business the new normal.

Defenders of Wildlife
Founded in 1947, the Defenders of Wildlife is a non-profit organization stopping unethical policies in order to protect native animals and their habitat. While the primary focus is on protecting North American biodiversity, the Defenders of Wildlife plan to expand and focus on migratory and transboundary species. The Defenders of Wildlife are committed to supporting their programs with 97% of donations going towards fighting for animal protection.

World Resources Institute
The World Resources Institute is a global research organization within 60 different countries working towards creating new solutions to decrease the dependency of natural resources. The non-profit researches and collects data to implement sustainable development. Humans are using natural resources at an aggressive and unsustainable rate. With the help of the World Resources Institute, clean energy sources now have an advancing edge and bright future.

Founded in 1971, Greenpeace has flourished into a multinational organization by utilizing its peaceful and strategic campaign efforts to help mobilize their dream of a healthy planet. Greenpeace has captured the public eye in over 55 countries and continues to attain millions of financial supporters. Their goal of maintaining and improving Earth’s ability to cultivate a life for all its inhabitants has enumerated a vast amount of support from volunteers and advocates on a global scale. All donations made to Greenpeace will help support their mission of improving Earth’s ability to nurture life today and for generations to come.

Rainforest Foundation
The Rainforest Foundation partners with indigenous peoples in Latin America’s rainforests to address climate change and establish sustainable communities that help protect the beautiful rainforests. They are working to tackle the world’s most urgent challenges, including biodiversity loss, climate change, and human rights. The Rainforest Foundation works with indigenous peoples because their traditional land management techniques are linked with high biodiversity and greater carbon density. Your donations go directly towards supporting indigenous peoples to help ensure that rainforests continue to capture and store carbon and produce fresh air and water for generations.

National Wildlife Federation
From the humble beginnings of a dream within a cartoonist’s mind, The National Wildlife Federation began when J.N. Darling and FDR held a conference with 2,000 conservationists in Washington, DC. These conservationists went back home and ignited enthusiasm in their local communities. Through these affiliations with federations around the country, the National Wildlife Federation works to increase wildlife populations, protect against environmental threats, protect crucial habitats, bringing people together through nature, and managing our nation’s beautiful lands and waters. Monetary donations go towards restoring critical habitats and protecting many at-risk species.